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International Classic Guitar Competition


"Bratstvo 1869" Community Centre announces the regulation for XXVII International Classical Guitar Competition - Kyustendil, which will be held from rom April 10 to 12, 2025, in the town of Kyustendil, Bulgaria.
The competition is organized annually and is under the patronage of the Mayor of Kyustendil Municipality.
The regulation and the application for participation can be found on the site of the Bratstvo 1869 Community Centre - http://bratstvokn.org/ or on the website of the Competition - https://guitarkn.bratstvokn.org/

Guitarists from all over the world who would like to take part in the Competition and have filled in and sent the application form until March 31, 2025 may participate as contestants in the following groups:

First group – up to four grade (up to 11 years old)
Second group – fifth - seventh grade (from 11 to 14 years of age)
Third group – eighth - twelfth grade (from 14 to the age of 18 years old)
Fourth group – over 18 years
Fifth group – „Free Stage of the Soloist”- without age restrictions
Sixth group – „Guitar +”- without age restrictions
Seventh group –„Chamber Music” - without age restrictions
Eighth group – „Guitar Ensembles and Orchestras”- without age restrictions


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Конкурс "Биньо Иванов"

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„Ние водихме своите войни. Ние бяхме 20-и век.
Приветстваме 21-ви век, той ще води своите битки...“

Свърших мойте войни. Вие водете своите.
Твърде тягостно чужд
ми е този нов свят.
Нека с мир си върви. И си следва завоите.
Аз не съм негов пленник.
И не съм негов брат.

Аз оставам дотук, докъдето съм стигнал,
като немощен, стар ескимос,
като бавна вода,
преградена от дига,
като виснещ без отговор
мъчен въпрос.

Помежду си епохите не разговарят.
Да отстъпиш, е усет за ритъм... и такт.

И прелитат пейзажите, и се стопяват
като гледки от скоростен влак.

Специална награда
Кръстьо Раленков
гр. Пловдив